I've decided to ask many ladies and lads that I know in my new series called The Kink Logs and The King Logs: A Man's Perspective. My very first interview is from a man so I started with AMP first. (Ooh, AMP...I like that.)
The Man With the View: Adam 19, Savannah, GA.
Jade: Firstly, what is your relationship with your hair?
Adam: I clean it, twist it, and keep it moisturized. I care for it like any other part of my body.
Jade: With women, are you more attracted to long hair or short hair?
Adam: I don't really have a preference for that; I've dated women with many different hair types and lengths.
Jade: What style do you prefers on Black women (weaves, afros, wigs, other)?
Adam: Natural. Natural styles like braids or an afro look better on Black women than unnatural styles. There is a natural style that works for every woman, and every one should find those that look best for them.
Jade: How do you feel about the Black Haircare Industry and its target on Black women?
Adam: It's bad, really awful. Marketers from all industries (especially the beauty industry) play on the insecurities of women so much that they convince them to buy chemical-laced products that only cause harm, all to make a profit.
Jade: This is a two-part question. Does a woman's relationship with her hair affect her relationship with you?
Adam: Definitely yes. The women who won't leave the house unless they've spent whole days in the salon and shelled out hundreds of dollars--that type of obsession with the outside only leads men to believe you have something to cover up on the inside. With a natural haircut, it really counts when you don't try to hide what you naturally are under added hair or chemicals. Also I love the girl I am with now and I love her cut, because when she made the decision to go natural, she did it for herself, and loves herself more. Most women are obsessed with what others think, and sporting a little afro shows you don't give a damn.
Jade: Tell of a time when a woman's relationship with her hair affected you in the past? If it has at all.
Adam: Hmm...the last time my girlfriend relaxed her hair really upset me because we had had a discussion previous to that incident where she promised not to anymore. And I remember how she gave really lame excuses for it as well, heh. Other than my current relationship...most of the ladies I've dated had natural hair. There is one who wore ponytail pieces; in hindsight, I realized I was least attracted to her.
Jade: What thoughts cross your mind when you see a napptural woman?
Adam: Immediately, she has bucketfuls of confidence. It takes confidence for a lot of these natural styles! I definitely appreciate that. There is nothing more beautiful than the real you.
--End AMP Log 1--
Adam offered a good view on what some men feel, and I will definitely continue this series. I want to learn the various perspectives of many men. Who out there is pro relaxer? Who spouts all natural love but only like naturally straight hair? Who thinks the afro is the sexiest thing on the planet?
We'll find out soon, wink.
Peace. Love,
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